Mainnet Asset Withdrawal & Distributions for Early Access Users

BounceBit is committed to make the Mainnet launch as smooth as possible. Our focus is maximizing the profits for users, while minimizing the friction in the withdrawal process, if users do wish to do so. In the following we will outline the withdrawal process of each scenario. Please note that every action (besides MUBI, AUCTION, DAII redistribution) is optional. Your principal will keep earning yield if it did before.

To support the community in these processes, we will provide dedicated support resources starting May 13th. Additionally, we will publish detailed guides for each of these scenarios.

  1. You deposited BTCB, WBTC, FDUSD, USDT without staking in Premium Yield Generation

On May 13th, you will get BBTC and BBUSD distributed to your wallet on the respective chain you deposited on. These will become redeemable for BTCB, WBTC, FDUSD, USDT (depending on chain and asset) on May 20th on The redemption will take around 24 hours.

2. Staked BTCB and WBTC in Premium Yield Generation

On May 13th, you will receive locked stBBTC on BB chain. This stBBTC is delegated to node operators and staked in Premium Yield Generation. It will automatically earn BB for you. Even during the redemption process. If you want to withdraw, you have to unstake from Premium Yield Generation, which will unlock your stBBTC, then undelegate from node operators, bridge and initiate withdrawal. The total estimated time is 9 days (T+7+1+1).

3. Staked FDUSD and USDT in Premium Yield Generation

On May 13th, you will get staked BBUSD on BB chain. This BBUSD represents your staked assets in Premium Yield Generation. To redeem you first have to unstake, then bridge and finally initiate withdrawal on The total estimated time is 8 days (T+7+1).

4. Deposited MUBI, AUCTION, DAII

On May 13th, you will automatically get MUBI, AUCTION, DAII transferred to your wallet. No further action recquired.

Last updated